Visit with Homebound Widow Halyna L.

Stephen minister Natalia D. and Pastor Ruslan visited 92-year-old homebound widow Halyna L. Natalia prayed with Halyna, and they read Psalms 23 and 43, Ephesians 2, and Luke 2. They talked about Anna, who Luke mentions in Chapter 2. She was a widow and, despite her old age, set us a good example of growing in the knowledge of God. Natalia and Pastor Ruslan prayed for Halyna’s spiritual growth. During the hour and a half visit, Natalia and Halyna shared that they felt as if they attended church, and they felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. Halyna praised God for His love and passed a letter back to her sponsor.


Visit with Ruslan R.


Get to Know Stephen Ministers Zinaida, Kateryna, and Zinaida