Visit with Franya S.

Lena recently visited a special lady named Franya S. She brought her October supply of food vouchers.

Franya is in pain because her herniated spinal discs cannot be operated on, and her bladder is also not in good shape. These health conditions are very upsetting for Franya.

Her back became even more bent compared to her condition only one month ago. Despite this, Franya radiates joy in the Lord. And every time Lena visits her, she is extremely thankful to MMK and her sponsors Blake in Millie in particular. Her nephew, who takes care of her, does all her grocery shopping with Auchan food vouchers.

Franya does not have a hobby or anything that would keep her busy. Lena noticed that in many ways, she feels very lonely. Lena does her best not to encourage her self-pity. This time, in particular, Lena praised her for her new hairstyle. When Lena took her picture, Franya looked at herself and liked it, which made Lena glad. Lena and Franya agreed that this year, unlike years before, they would decorate her Christmas tree. But first, Franya said, “Lena, this is not necessary. Making a holiday for me is not necessary.” Lena reminded her that, “It is Jesus' holiday, not hers, and her job is to celebrate it well.” Then Franya started crying, “Oh I wish my Vasily (her alcoholic husband who died last year) were here.” It was that moment when Lena knew she could sit and cry with Franya, but instead she said sarcastically, “Sure, it is always more fun to buy vodka for your alcoholic husband than setting a Chistmas tree for yourself. Right, Franya?" Since Franya knew that Lena’s love is tough, she started laughing like a little girl, and it warmed Lena’s heart.

Lena closed their time together by praying with Franya and encouraging her with passages from Scripture. Your support of widows like Franya brings the hope of Jesus to Ukraine.


IDP Bible Group in Puscha


Bible Lesson at Stara Basan Boarding School