Visit with Alice K.

Alice is 75 years old and joined our program three years ago. She’s been homebound for over three years. Natasha M., our Stephens minister, has been bringing her Auchan food vouchers.

She says her passport name is Alice, but everyone calls her Alla. Currently, she isn’t feeling well. A month ago, she had double pneumonia. Luckily, it was not COVID, but after the disease, her memory deteriorated, and she had difficulty moving. Alice is alone, and her only relative is her cousin. One woman, Irina K., comes by periodically to help her. Irina asked Alice about her spiritual life, and they had a long talk. It’s sad, but Alice doesn’t read the Word of God, her biblical knowledge isn’t deep, and she rarely prays. Irina wanted to teach her how to read the Bible, but her Bible was nowhere to be seen. She claimed she had it somewhere and read it on her own. I told her about salvation and reconciliation with God. Irina told her about the help we have from our Lord and the hope we can find in Him.

Irina offered to pray for her and reconcile with God so she could experience His Power. So, together they prayed, and she thanked the Mission for caring about her.

Would you join us in prayer for Alice?


Dig Deeper Bible Study Group Gathering


Visit with Halyna O.